When Sherrie Kinneally’s relationship with her preteen daughter sours, she seeks comfort and validation from strangers. Among them is an emotionally damaged young drifter, Lael Green. Invited for a temporary stay, Lael refuses to leave, insinuating herself into every aspect of Sherrie’s life.

Then, Lael disappears. The ensuing investigation reflects back on Sherrie’s choices—as a mother, employee, and friend—with potentially disastrous consequences.

Outtakes from REGULARS (a six-part microfiction series featuring characters and storylines that precede the novel’s main plot) were recently featured in Beer & Weed Magazine; another is forthcoming in the Spring/Summer 2024 issue of Hypertext Magazine.


BRASS is a collection of stories about growing up as a military brat. Using the perspective of one rebellious daughter as a frame, these stories explore the lives of the men, women, and children who served the United States Navy during the Cold War. BRASS documents the experience of those who—as military brat author Pat Conroy described it—“Know the raw artlessness of being an outsider.”

Stories from BRASS are featured in The Cincinnati Review, Al Pie de la Letra, Fanzine, CutBank, and Collateral. In 2017, Tanya won second prize in Zoetrope: All Story’s Short Fiction Contest for her story “Marine Life of the B.I.O.T.”


In TWO FOR THE ROAD: ADVENTURES IN MAINE, photographer Heidi Killion and essayist Tanya Whiton capture a Vacationland you won’t find in guide books. Trekking from the annual Pig Scramble at the Union Fair to a drag strip in Oxford—and everywhere in between—our narrators go in search of the “real Maine.”

On the way, they document the transformation of Maine’s traditional industries and small towns through the lens of personal change. The result? A moving and compassionate portrait of both a friendship and a rapidly changing rural state.

hot shoes, made for walking
“Whiton’s snappy prose and Killion’s enigmatic photographs take you to a Maine you won’t find in brochures…and deliver these places with both wit and affection.”
—Elizabeth Peavey


Tanya’s stories and essays have also been published in BREAKING BREAD: ESSAYS FROM NEW ENGLAND ON FOOD, HUNGER, & FAMILY, Solstice: a Magazine of Diverse Voices, North Dakota Quarterly, Western Humanities Review, Northwest Review, Crazyhorse, and in the anthology The Way Life Should Be: A Collection of Stories by Contemporary Maine Writers.

She is a two-time recipient of the Martin Dibner Memorial Fellowship for Maine writers. And for ten years, she worked a freelance writer for both Casco Bay Weekly and The Portland Phoenix, winning New England Press Association Awards for both her feature and sports writing.

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